Looking for ways to keep your child engaged over the summer? ATA College Prep can help with our Train Your Brain Summer Sessions being offered at CP which include several enrichment and refresher courses. Whether your child is looking to get ahead, strengthen foundational skills, or keep their mind engaged during the summer days, ATACP will feed their love of learning.  
As with all ATACP courses, they are taught by inspirational and dedicated expert instructors.  Classes are limited in size (2-6 students).  Each class is $350 for a 4-week, 8-hour session.  Offerings vary each session. In addition to these small group sessions, individual tutoring is available in all academic subjects (subject to teacher availability and scheduling). * Note that session dates may vary slightly depending on student registration.
To see the full schedule of classes for both Enrichment Sessions, simply click here. To register for any of the courses, email Carol Hagar, Head of School, @ carol.hagar@austintennisacademy.com and be sure to include your child’s name, session(s), days, and time in your email.