Registration Opens For ATA’s 2021 Summer Tennis Camps
Summer is just around the corner, and it’s not too early to register your child to attend Austin Tennis Academy’s camps, Summer Semis, to progress at a rapid rate. Instead of our traditional camps, Summer Semis allow for the safest possible environment for players and coaches while still providing the best possible experience. Along with Summer Semis, we are also holding an afternoon Tournament Tough Semis session for Academy-level players. Let’s focus first on the Summer Semis.
Highlights regarding our Summer Semis include:
- A professional coach will be on every court working with only 4-5 players with separate resting places in order to maintain recommended social distancing.
- There are three different session levels for Morning Summer Semis sessions:
- QuickStart Summer Semis for 5-8 year olds
- Orange/Green Summer Semis for 8-11 year olds
- Yellow Ball Summer Semis for 12-14 year olds
- Along with providing an environment that is as safe as possible, smaller group sizes translate into more playing time and more one-on-one attention which yield greater progress in skill development.
- And, don’t forget that our coaches make learning and playing tennis F-U-N!
ATA will hold 11 weeks of Summer Semis. The morning session will run Monday through Thursday from 9:00 -11:00 AM each week. Friday is reserved as a rain makeup day.
Summer Semi Sessions (M-Th with Friday as rain makeup day)
Cost: $300 per week
Week 1: May 31-June 4
Week 2: June 7-11
Week 3: June 14-18
Week 4: June 21-25
Week 5: June 28-July 2
Week 6: July 5-9
Week 7: July 12-16
Week 8: July 19-23
Week 9: July 26-30
Week 10: Aug 2-6
Week 11: Aug 9-13
Click here to sign up your child
Summer Semis Policies
- Registration must be made online.
- Payment in advance is required to reserve your slot.
- Players must bring their own water and towel.
- No refunds or make-ups for days missed.
- Weekly rate applies to that particular week only (no carryover).
- Medical Release and Hold Harmless must be filled out online.
- Don’t bring players if they are sick in any way.
- Pick up players promptly at the end of each day’s session.
- Cancellation includes a $50 fee
- No T-shirts provided for camps this year.
Afternoon Tournament Tough Semis Session (Invite Only – $450/week M-F)
The Tournament Tough Semis Session is restricted to Champ and Superchamp levels. Tournament players will improve their game by using competitive game situations, technical training and point play, as well as movement and flexibility training.
Anyone interested in registering your child to attend a week, or several weeks, at our Tournament Tough Semis, should email a request to