2016 Summer Tennis Training Camps

This Summer, take advantage of the Austin Tennis Academy’s tennis camps to progress at a rapid rate while having fun playing the game. These camps are designed to provide the greatest development of your child’s physical, mental, technical, and tactical performance levels. Sign up now for a full week or a single day!



Summer Grand Slam Camp – June 6-10 – (SuperChamp Only)

  1. June 13-17
  2.  June 20-24
  3.  June 27-July 1
  4.  July 5-8 (No camp July 4th – costs adjusted this week)
  5.  July 11-15
  6.  July 18-22
  7.  July 25-29
  8.  August 1-5
  9.  August 8-12


QuickStart Camp 9:00am – 10:30am (age 5-8)
Morning Camp 9:00am – 12:00pm
Tournament Tough Training Camp 1:00pm – 4:00pm*


QuickStart Camp $175/week ($40/day drop-in)
Morning Camp $300/week ($80/day drop-in)
Tournament Tough Training Camp $375/week ($90/day drop-in)


QuickStart Camp

9:00am – 10:30am ($175 per week or $40 per day)
The QuickStart tennis format used by the Austin Tennis Academy gives kids the opportunity to rally a ball over the net and learn to play points as quickly as possible – all in a fun environment. Our coaches recognize the importance of starting kids off well, and with success. The ATA was instrumental in developing this groundbreaking nationwide program and served as the pilot program for the USTA. This program uses the appropriate size racquet, court and ball to allow kids to do more – faster! Suggested Age: 5-8 years old.

Morning Camp

9:00am – 12:00pm ($300 per week or $80 per day)
Players will improve their game by learning fundamental skills, practicing game situations, and improving overall movement. Using the latest techniques and international innovations, players learn valuable athletic skills for tennis and other sports.

Afternoon “Tournament Tough” Camp

1:00pm-4:00pm ($375 per week or $90 per day)
Tournament players will improve their game by using competitive game situations, technical training and point play, as well as movement and flexibility training. This camp is limited to Champ and Superchamp-level. ATA Academy players will be training at this time.


  1. Registration must be made online.
  2. Payment in advance is required to reserve your slot.
  3. ATA camps are held rain or shine. Indoor sessions are held in the event of inclement weather.
  4. No refunds or make-ups for days missed.
  5. Weekly rate applies to that particular week only (no carryover).
  6. Medical Release and Hold Harmless must be filled out online.
  7. Players may leave credit card on file to cover pro shop purchases, lunch, etc.
  8. Private housing may be available. Email info@austintennisacademy.com to inquire.
  9. Early drop-off and late pick-up is available upon request for $50 per week.