While the ATA College Prep students follow rigorous academic and athletic schedules, there is a constant effort to maintain a balance between work and play, strain and rest, focus and relaxation. The last few weeks have been no different.

The group worked to wrap up first semester classes while hitting the group running in the Spring. They’ve also made space for fun-filled trips off campus or lively morning practices before school. Here are a few pictures. To see more, head over to the ATA College Prep Facebook page!

Emerson, Sophia, and Sklar focus on an annotation assignment during Reading Lab.

The English I/II students take down a few notes before a creative writing activity.

Juan explores online academic research databases during a field trip to the new Austin Central Library.

Sophia and Emerson are mesmerized by the yawning lion at the Austin Zoo.

Sasha and her team enjoy a fun, yet competitive game to finish morning practice on Friday before classes. Don’t forget to see more photos of the CP group at our Facebook page!