Prior to starting CP, Camilla dedicated herself to skiing since she was young and was going to be on Hong Kong’s Olympic ski team. She decided that she rather play tennis in college than pursue skiing. She played some tennis when she was younger but was never dedicated to it. She has made a huge jump and has put in a lot of time the past year and a half to be able to play college tennis. She is excited to join Amherst College and be a part of their team.

“I was initially drawn to Amherst for its great reputation, both academically and athletically,” Camilla said. “When I visited, I really liked the coach and the team was very fun and welcoming. When I walked around campus, I could really picture myself going there.”

Camilla also considered Yale, Dartmouth, Williams and Middlebury, before landing on Amherst.


“I am looking forward to being challenged both academically and athletically,” Camilla said. “It will certainly be a change and will require lots of hard work, but I always enjoy being in new situations. Even though Amherst is considered a small college, I am looking forward to being in a larger environment than I have been in at ATACP and at my prior ski academy.”

While she has only been at CP/ATA for just under two years, Camilla has made the most of her time here.

“This short time has certainly helped prepare me for college life,” Camilla said. “I have learned how to balance my school work and practice schedule, as well as developed important leadership and work ethic skills. Additionally, I really appreciate Coach Newman’s emphasis on having respect for the sport, my coaches, and my teammates.”