The ATA College Prep school year is underway! While barely two weeks in, so much has already unfolded. Beginning with Orientation, the students and teachers of the 2016-2017 school year set off on what is sure to be an amazing journey.

At orientation, students enjoyed team building activities and games to get to know each other a little better. After a shortened version of the class schedule to meet with teachers and get accustomed to room assignments, the group enjoyed a trip to the Austin Panic Room. After, they stopped at local favorite Gordough’s for lunch.

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Director of ATA College Prep Carol Hagar was excited about what she witnessed at Orientation.

“In the two days of orientation, I witnessed the following character attributes from the CP students: kindness to others, respect for others’ ideas and opinions, willingness to try new things, excellent abilities to work together in a group, and an eagerness to learn.”

The group starts each day with tennis and fitness before transitioning to breakfast and classes. Below, Mac locks in on a forehand volley during a game of ‘105’.


ATA’s Dio Miranda discusses the importance of nutrition with the group and offers some tips on how to improve.


Mrs. Linda and her math class pause for a quick picture.


Psychology students begin work on a self-awareness project.


Students have ample time throughout the week to collaborate and receive additional support during daily group Study Halls.


To see more pictures from the beginning of the year at ATA College Prep now and throughout the year, check out our Facebook page!